Product Submissions API 2025 Release: Product Submissions Test API

To be able to show the upcoming changes, the Product Submissions Test API is now provided, which has the same behaviour that the Product submissions API release in Jan 2025, but without causing the product to be submitted.

How to call the Test API:

  1. Obtain an authentication token for your client (per documentation).
  2. Call the test endpoint:{merchant_id}/product-submissions-test , together with the submission body, and the authentication token

Response examples

no validation problems

/product-submissions (current)

{ }


{ }

validation errors only

/product-submissions (current)

  "title": "Bad Request",
  "detail": "Wrong body format",
  "code": 400,
  "body_errors": [
      "path": "product_model/merchant_product_model_id",
      "expected": "String",
      "actual": "Undefined"
  "flow_id": "56fea18f-4ce5-428e-9bd5-81ddc475b252",
  "contact": ""


  "title": "Failure",
  "status": 400,
  "detail": "Bad Request: validation errors found",
  "body_errors": [
      "path": "/product_model",
      "message": "merchant_product_model_id is missing",
      "reason": "INVALID_IDENTIFIER",
      "reference": ""

  "body_warnings": [],
  "flow_id": "967682b5-c14f-457f-9045-d1364cf96d06",
  "contact": ""

validation warnings only

/product-submissions (current)

{ }


  "title": "Success",
  "status": 200,
  "detail": "Ok with warnings",
  "body_warnings": [
      "path": "/product_model/product_model_attributes/brand_code",
      "tier": "model",
      "attribute": "brand_code",
      "message": "'AHY' is not a supported value for brand_code in outline t_shirt_top",
      "reason": "UNSUPPORTED_VALUE",
      "reference": ""

  "flow_id": "96c31718-cc7a-4248-ab98-5063bf6dbb6a",
  "contact": ""

validation errors and warnings

/product-submissions (current)

  "title": "Bad Request",
  "detail": "Wrong body format",
  "code": 400,
  "body_errors": [
      "path": "product_model/product_model_attributes/target_genders",
      "expected": "array",
      "actual": "Undefined"
  "flow_id": "78f7d45c-858c-45d7-a030-5255e37bdb2b",
  "contact": ""


  "title": "Failure",
  "status": 400,
  "detail": "Bad Request: validation errors found",
  "body_errors": [
      "path": "/product_model/product_model_attributes",
      "tier": "model",
      "attribute": "target_genders",
      "message": "target_genders is missing from model attributes",
      "reason": "MISSING_ATTRIBUTE",
      "reference": ""
  "body_warnings": [
      "path": "/product_model/product_model_attributes/brand_code",
      "tier": "model",
      "attribute": "brand_code",
      "message": "'AHY' is not a valid value for brand_code in outline t_shirt_top",
      "reason": "UNSUPPORTED_VALUE",
      "reference": ""
  "flow_id": "2136033e-1de1-4c78-a9ed-5bbc2a24f787",
  "contact": ""


Create Submissions API

The create submission api is :{merchant_id}/product-submissions

Calling this api causes the product to be submitted.

Contact Support